Each and everyone of us has our own interpretation of things which are built over time, mostly through experiences. At times, we submit to our stereo-typical mindsets where limits and rules are followed. Walking along the sidewalk while two girls interlocking hands stroll pass may trigger certain thoughts such as 'couple' or 'lesbians' almost instantaneously. some may cringe at the thought of it even though they may just be two homosexuals with a strong friendship. girls tend to hold hands at a very young age as females generally tend to be more intimate than males. Apart from walking about hand in hand, hugging amongst the female population is also relatively common.

Watching teenage girls engage in conversation while holding each others hands should not seem any more disturbing as to children walking along the beach or at playgrounds hand in hand. Stereotyping these groups of people only narrows one mind, oblivious to the benefits of such strong and intimate acts of friendship.
Most people have a perception of which only couples are involved in such intimate acts. However, on a friendship level, it is proven that such gestures are healthy as 'touch' allows the build up of values such as kindness as well as to allow one another to feel loved and cherished. Friends also use 'touch' to show how they care for one another and it also symbolizes security, knowing that someone is there for you. Words can be comforting but a simple hug will go a long way. Everyone of us have been subjected to many forms of sterotypes; however, it is important to embrace each individual as themselves and not attempt to change their behaviours just to suit the needs of the society.
Hey I totally have to agree with you. I personally feel touch is a very important component of ANY relationship (be it between family, friends, lovers). Anything from a pat on the back to a kiss can mean so much.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I believe in the freedom to love and I feel even if the two girls holding hands are a couple. It isn't right to judge. Love is love, no matter who with and in what form.
I think that what you mentioned is very true and that nowaqdays, people tend to be judgemental not considering the points that you have mentioned. Actually certain acts may bring about different opinions by people from different walks of life depending on their upbringing and culture. Personally I feel it all boils down to the culture one lives in.
ReplyDeleteThat's true. But you addressed just females walking hand in hand. Then again, I'm sure you've seen males do the same in some parts of Singapore (Little India perhaps?).
However, like Jake mentioned, it's their upbringing and culture that creates different opinions on such issues. In our society, with a chinese majority, males holding hands or hugging about may suggest only one explanation: gay.
But that's not exactly true. They may be close friends or even brothers. On the streets in India, this is something totally normal. Not being gay, but males showing affection for one another.
Therefore, we shouldn't judge people solely based on what WE believe, but try to understand THEIR perspectives on things as well(:
No one should judge what another person merely by their behaviour. I agree with this observation. It is part of the nature of girls to holding hands and hug each other in public and most societies in general accept this. While it is natural for males in the Indian sub-continent to hold hands, this raises eyebrows in societies that are not used to seeing them do this. While we should respect their cultures, it is also true foreigners should respect the cultures they are visiting.
ReplyDeleteBut today, there is the growing problem of homosexuals and lesbians pushing their agendas in all societies to have their disordered behaviour to be treated as normal. We have to be careful of this because God never created man to have intimate relations with another man nor a woman with another woman. It goes against the rule of nature of how the bodies of men and women are designed to procreate.
This is why there is a lot of apprehension and worry when people of the same sex are seen to be intimate with each other in public. It is the sign of the times of the scourges that are plaguing our world.
On this note, society needs to help homosexuals and lesbians with their disordered sexual orientation because as many of them like us to believe, it is not the natural way they are born but how they are shape by unfortunate circumstances in their lives while growing up.
Hello Marilyn! I agree with Haashira that it is true that many people would stereotype two guys holding hands as being gay(me included!). However, seeing two girls holding hands can be often dismissed as them being sisters or close friends. I believe that the "touch" you were mentioning about is haptics. In Singapore, people tend to view such haptics as being something related to homosexuality because we were brought up to believe that only a guy can hold hands or be caught kissing a girl, and not one of the same gender. The latter would bring about much repulsion and disgust as both religion and culture has taught us that homosexuality is wrong and against all odds of nature, similar to what Jake had mentioned.
ReplyDeleteI agree with John. The problem of homosexual and lesbian relationships is very real in Singapore and people are bound to draw the wrong conclusions when they see couples of the same sex getting feely and touchy in public.
ReplyDeleteMarilyn is right that such behaviour among girls is expected and do not necessarily mean they are lesbians. And I think it is possible to detect a lesbian relationship because their behaviour between each other is often not the same between girls who behave normally as friends would.
All the same, we should all combat the problem of homosexual and lesbian relationships, because it is not what nature meant between couples and marriage.
Can you imagine these type of relationships becoming the norm in society – where are our future children going to come from? It could spell the beginning of the extinction of human race because homosexual relationships can never produce children.
the previous day my friends and i just joked that we are looking like lesbians to outsiders because we were holding hands as we walked and laughed on the pavement.
ReplyDeleteThe innocent act of holding hands indeed is interpreted into many meanings by differnt people due to their perceptions, stereotypes and beliefs on relationships.
however, nowadays i know of a lot of girls who hold hands with their friends. as compared to males who usually do not as they do not display their affection that out rightly through touch, probably because they want to appear macho and not sissy.
For sure, we must never stereotype people. All too often this leads to a lot of conflicts because it opens the door for people to make fun of others. We should not especially draw any conclusions of what people are without knowing the real facts. Only when we know the truth can we identify real problems and offer help.
ReplyDeleteI have no problem when I see two girls holding hands and even hugging each other. It becomes a problem when they start acting as though they have romantic feelings for each other, as what some has said here. Men behaving in like manner are definitely a no, no. I think this is one of the problems of our society following the lead of many western countries where they no longer recognise homosexuality has a medical or psychological problem. There are many false information about the condition and homosexuals and lesbians who are determined to promote their lifestyles have hijacked the truths.
ReplyDeleteAlthough this has changed the way some people see what is natural between two girls acting in an innocent friendly manner, we should never deny the danger facing our society today.