Each and everyone of us has our own interpretation of things which are built over time, mostly through experiences. At times, we submit to our stereo-typical mindsets where limits and rules are followed. Walking along the sidewalk while two girls interlocking hands stroll pass may trigger certain thoughts such as 'couple' or 'lesbians' almost instantaneously. some may cringe at the thought of it even though they may just be two homosexuals with a strong friendship. girls tend to hold hands at a very young age as females generally tend to be more intimate than males. Apart from walking about hand in hand, hugging amongst the female population is also relatively common.

Watching teenage girls engage in conversation while holding each others hands should not seem any more disturbing as to children walking along the beach or at playgrounds hand in hand. Stereotyping these groups of people only narrows one mind, oblivious to the benefits of such strong and intimate acts of friendship.
Most people have a perception of which only couples are involved in such intimate acts. However, on a friendship level, it is proven that such gestures are healthy as 'touch' allows the build up of values such as kindness as well as to allow one another to feel loved and cherished. Friends also use 'touch' to show how they care for one another and it also symbolizes security, knowing that someone is there for you. Words can be comforting but a simple hug will go a long way. Everyone of us have been subjected to many forms of sterotypes; however, it is important to embrace each individual as themselves and not attempt to change their behaviours just to suit the needs of the society.